Today was the singging assesment of the song "i got ryhtm" i sung well but i did not do witrh movement because i got nervous. tahn we are been put to group and practise for the group song. Mr Herry wrote the notes and we copy it so we can practise at home.
Today we had as quiz on the jazz and the notation and chord theory. I did not do well because i got confuse with the scale. I have to study more. I regret of not understanding well about the chord. For the rest of the session, we are back to our group and practice for the song. I started on the intro. I need to practicer again at home
Today we review the answer question jazz genre and write in a big paper. This is to practise us for the quiz. Then we sing the "i got rythm" song. We practise over and over again so we can really know the tempo and the beat. The assesment will be held on next session so i have to practise at home. We also been form into group and rehearse the song. My group get the song "close to you". i did not get much during the practise because the time is over so fast.
Today we review the notation and learn the 9th chord and th1 11th chord. Then we write a question and answer based on the jazz genre booklet we make on term 3. This is for the quiz. Then mr Herry explained to us about the group work that we have to submit our video practice each week. I learn a new song called "i got rythm" this song is given today and we sang it together. I have to learn more about the notation at home.